Designing your own switch target with bmv2
▼Nbm | |
CActionPrimitive | |
CByteContainer | |
CContext | |
CCounter | |
CCounterArray | |
CDeparser | |
CDevMgr | |
CErrorCode | |
CErrorCodeMap | A bi-directional map between error codes and their P4 names |
CEventLogger | |
CExternSafeAccess | Provides safe access to an extern instance for control plane calls |
CField | |
CFieldList | |
CHeader | |
CHeaderUnion | |
CLearnEngineIface | |
CLogger | |
CLookupStructure | |
CLookupStructureFactory | |
▼CMcSimplePre | |
CMcIn | Input to replicate() method |
CMcOut | Output of replicate() method |
CMcSimplePreLAG | Enhances McSimplePre with LAG (link aggregation) support |
CMeter | |
CMeterArray | |
CNamedP4Object | |
CPacket | |
CPacketBuffer | |
CParser | Implements a P4 parser |
CPeriodicTask | |
CPeriodicTaskList | |
CPHV | |
CPipeline | |
CPortMonitorIface | Used by DevMgr to monitor the ports attached to the switch |
CQueue | |
CQueueingLogic | |
CQueueingLogicPriRL | |
CQueueingLogicRL | |
CRegister | |
CRegisterArray | |
CStack | |
CStackIface | |
CSwitch | |
CSwitchWContexts | |
CTargetParserBasic | |
CTargetParserBasicWithDynModules | |
CTargetParserIface | Interface for target-specific command-line options parsers |